Friday, August 26, 2011

My garden grows way too green

Ok, remember our super cute baby garden, way back when it was first planted?

This is what the garden monstrosity looked like about a month ago:

Yeah, believe it or not, that is actually our garden.  Though it looks like a giant man/dog eating weed patch, it actually is a ridiculously generous vegetable garden.  Last weekend Matt and I took a pruning shears to the garden and cut back all of the tomato plants because they had grown 2 feet out farther that the above picture shows.  Yeah, our tomato plants tried way too hard this year.  Freaking over achievers.  (And I realize we should have used those tomato cage things, but I was too lazy and cheap to pay $6 each for them)

Check out the mini bell peppers though!  They stayed a nice normal size.

And here are SOME of the tomatoes and other peppers we picked:

Ok, so take a good look at the above times that giant bowl by 3 (got that mental image?)  3 GIANT bowls of tomatoes, that is what our 6 tiny little plants produced.  And we didn't even use Miracle Grow or anything!  Just organic potting soil, and our dirt already in the backyard.  And not to mention, we had a pretty dry early summer and my lazy butt only watered the garden maybe 3 times.  The above bowl went in my belly (yep, almost all of them...which is why I no longer like tomatoes quite as much as I used to).  The second bowl went to my best buddy Courtney's remember her, right?

She is obviously the photogenic one in our friendship. :)

And the third bowl went to our lovely wonderful neighbors...whose yard our garden was taking over.

Next year, we're going to move the garden into our yard more, so the plants don't move into unwelcome territory (aka not our property) and I plan to only plant 3 tomato plants, and space them out a bit more...and cage them in. :)

How did your gardens do this year?  Did you end up with psycho plants?


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