Wednesday, February 9, 2011

"For the record..."

We have received a few "What was wrong with your bathroom to begin with" questions from people.  Here's the gist:

The bathtub was atrocious.  Not only was it old and stained to begin with, but it was also extremely narrow and short.  And by extremely, I mean EXTREMELY.  Now, I am not a bath person, never have been, probably never will be.  The idea of soaking in hot water/filth has never appealed to me.  On the rare occasions when I try to take a bath, I always end up showering right afterwards.  Oh yeah, the narrow tub.  Back on topic.

Reason 1: The narrow tub
The tub was so narrow (how narrow was it?!), I could barely lay down in it without my shoulders touching the sides.  Now, those of you who have met Matt will know he is the definition of broad shoulders.  So when he took his lovely shower/baths, he would have to lay awkwardly on his side in order to fit in the tub.  And if Matt had his way (and we didn't have to pay for our water) he would probably take 3 or more shower/baths a day.  And cramming himself into a little tub was just not cutting it.

Reason 2: There's a hole in my bathtub, dear Liza, dear Liza...
On the inside on the tub, there was a finger sized gouged hole.  This would not allow us to ever take a bath with water deeper than 3-4 inches.  Our shower curtain liner covered it, so we didn't have to worry about water leaking down into our floor/walls while showering, but if a bath were to ever take place or be desired in the future, something would have to be done.  Now, we realize that holes in tubs can be fixed, but given Reason 1, we figured a new tub was where it's at.

Reason 3: Where there's a tub, there's tile
We knew the in order to replace our tub, we were going to have to rip out and replace the floor tile.  The way our bathroom flooring was done (and most is done I think), made it impossible to get the tub out without busting up the tile.  We were not able to replace just a few of the ceramic tiles, we would have to replace them all.  So, in order to get a new tub, we would need a new floor.

The following things in the bathroom will be new:

  • Bathtub
  • Bathtub and sink fixtures/faucets
  • Marble tile in Greecian White on the shower walls (now, this sounds all fancy and expensive, but we got it at Home Depot and though online it says it is $5.99/sq ft, we actually paid something like $3.49/sq ft)
  • One of these totally amazing/awesome/fantastic tiles from Nonn's Flooring on the floor!!!  Here's a sneak peak of the winner....can you guess which one we picked?

  • Vertical stripe of glass tile in the tub area (Matt is almost done with this...looks soooo good!)
  • Painting the bathroom walls and ceiling (stay tuned!)
  • Painting the vanity(maybe)...right now I'm thinking a medium/dark grey color...Matt does not agree, so we'll see.  I also like a rich espresso too...hmmmmm...or maybe we'll leave it white...
  • Replace the vanity top (maybe...).  We found an amazing deal on a Kohler under-mount bathroom sink on clearance at Home Depot a couple weeks was originally $90 or so and we got it for $36.  However, now we may save it for the downstairs bathroom (possible future remodel) and get something else instead.
  • Add shelves to the bathroom linen closet.  We have 3 very good sized linen closets all within a 6 foot radius upstairs, so we had never used the bathroom one (and it never had shelves in it anyway), but I have a very cool project in mind for this closet too.  :)
  • Possibly new light fixtures by the sink/mirror
  • Make a frame for the mirror...we will most likely take the smaller mirror from the downstairs bathroom, build and frame for it and use that upstairs.
The following things will stay the same:
  • Toilet
  • Bathroom layout
  • The vanity (though it's getting a coat of paint....maybe)

So there you have it....our reasoning behind the bathroom remodel and everything we hope to do to it.  Any questions or comments on any of the ideas or changes??

Oh, and for the record....We realize that we don't 100% know what we're doing at every moment, or the exact terminology, but we're learning more every day and with each task we take on.  Think happy renovating thoughts for us! :)


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