Sunday, March 4, 2012

Seriously Spring...hurry your GD butt up

I am ready to be done with Winter.  Like now.  Like yesterday.  So while Madison can't quite decide if it's going to get nice for 6 days, then snow, or be cold/rainy/windy/nasty for a week straight....I decided I needed a little inside Spring cheer.  Enter Trader Joe's $3.99 flower bouquets.

And please enter Sour Patch Kids jelly beans.  Yesss!

The amazing table runner you see above is from Target and I fell in love with it when I stopped in to buy only paper towels last weekend, but like that ever works out at Target.  The yellow napkin I already had, the white bowl is from Goodwill, and the two little owls are salt n' peppa shakers I found at Marshall's.  I'm currently obsessed with owls.

And what's a nice photo shoot with out my trusty assistant?

And by trusty I mean photo hogging scene stealer.  Show me love. Work it. Own it.  Meeeeowza.

Ok.....too much creepy alien arms and not enough cute....

Ahh yes,  there's my cute moosie cat  :)

So, not only is the table runner new, but the actual table is too.  Matt and I found it at Slumberland in the clearance section for $100 last fall.  Seriously, isn't that an amazing deal?  We've seen others exactly like it there since, and they have been starting at around $400 (on clearance for that much too!).  The bar stools actually go with our pub table and are way too high for the new table, but it looked quite sad all alone in the dining room.  We've been scouting around for some new, shorter chairs, but haven't found anything yet.  And since we use the table for eating like twice a year, it hasn't been too high on the priority list.  I have white wood chairs in mind something like this from

We'll see.  Since the table is such a dominatrix of the dining space, I don't want to get anything too tall or bulky. And I figure with backless stool, we can tuck them underneath for more room when they're not in use...which will be 99% of the time.  The little door underneath open up for a storage cabinet and there is a hidden, built-in leaf inside the table too, which is awesome.

How about you guys...have you had to force some spring into your late winter?

***Update*** After writing the post early this week, we received 4-5 inches of snow overnight on Thursday.  GD Winter.


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